Publikationen und weitere Forschungsergebnisse (Auswahl)

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl an Publikationen/Vorträgen/Workshops unserer Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter:

DE FACCIO, G. 2023b. Live-Demonstration-Vortrag: Von A bis Z, die Metamorphose der Buchstaben. Forschungsfest Niederösterreich. Wien.

DE FACCIO, G. 2023c. Workshop: Dalla Carolingia alla Gotica. Associazione Calligrafica Italiana. Online.

DE FACCIO, G. 2023d. Workshop: Linien, Flächen und Buchstaben. Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

DE FACCIO, G. 2023e. Workshop: Maiuscole Romane a pennello. Associazione Calligrafica Italiana. Italien, Monteortone, Abano Terme.

DE FACCIO, G. 2023f. Workshop: Metamorphose der Buchstabenform von der geometrischen Linie zur organischen Struktur. Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

DE FACCIO, G. 2023g. Workshop: Symbole in und aus dem Konstruktionsraster. Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

DE FACCIO, G. 2023h. Workshop: Symbole in und aus dem Konstruktionsraster. Land Niederösterreich Experimentiertage 2023. Sankt Pölten, Landhaus.

DITTENBERGER, S., MORITSCH, H. S. & RASCHAUER, A. 2023a. Forschung in der Designausbildung: eine Arbeitsdefinition. In: SCHWEPPENHÄUSER, G., POPP, J. F. & BAUER, C. (Hrsg.) Designmethoden im Zeitalter ihrer technischen Reproduzierbarkeit. Würzburger Beiträge zur Designforschung (WBDES). Wiesbaden: Springer Nature.

DITTENBERGER, S., MORITSCH, H. S. & VARGA, H. 2023b. Reengineering Methods for Design Research: state of the art research report, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

DÜCHS, M. 2023a. Diskussionsbeitrag: Ethik, Raum und Gesellschaft, Weimarer Kontroversen fragen: Wie können wir besser zusammen wohnen? Weimarer Kontroversen. Weimar, Bauhaus-Museum.

DÜCHS, M. 2023b. Vortrag: Aus dem Machen denken. Zur überraschenden philosophischen Aktualität Otl Aichers. Das O und A: Otl Aicher - aus dem Machen denken. Ein Blick zurück und nach vorne. Internationales Symposium. Wien, designforum im Museumsquartier: New Design University und FSB.

DÜCHS, M. & PRASSER, C. 2023. Symposium: Eine menschliche Moderne – Zum Menschenbild der Villa Beer. Internationales interdisziplinäres Symposium. Eine menschliche Moderne – Zum Menschenbild der Villa Beer. Wien, Villa Beer: New Design University und Villa Beer Foundation.

ERNST, V., WECHT, C. H. & BÖGER, M. 2023a. BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION 2.0: A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO ADD RESPONSIBILITY. International Journal of Innovation Management, 27.

ERNST, V., WECHT, C. H. & BÖGER, M. 2023b. Konferenzbeitrag: Business Model Innovation 2.0: A Conceptual Approach To Add Responsibility. ISPIM Innovation Conference. Slovenia, Ljubljana.

LA GARDE, S., LIENBACHER, E. & CESINGER, B. 2023. Digitalisierung und persönlicher Kundenservice im kleinstrukturierten Luxus-Fashion-Einzelhandel. In: SCHUSTER, G. & WECKE, B. (Hrsg.) Marketingtechnologien Innovative Unternehmenspraxis: Insights, Strategien und Impulse. tba: Springer Nature.

MORITSCH, H. S. 2023c. Katalog: Peter Bruckner Preis 2023, Lienz, INNOS GmbH.

MORITSCH, H. S. 2023d. Organisation: Peter Bruckner Preis und Tagung 2023. Peter Bruckner Preis 2023. Lienz: WKO Lienz.

MORITSCH, H. S., HAELE, U., KURY, R. & WEBER, S. 2023. Projektdokumentation: Pit:Stop Milano, Designfoundation 2023/24, Mailand, New Design University.

NEUBAUER, R. 2023. Konfigurierende Artefakte: Die situierte Wirkkraft in Gestaltungsprozessen und ihre Bedeutung für die Forschung. In: GRÜNER, H. & J., Z. (Hrsg.) Value Through Design: Beiträge zu Perspektiven Design-Basierter Forschung im Kontext des Doktorats. Sankt Pölten: New Design University.

NEUBAUER, R., KUZMINA, K. & BACHLMAIR, E. 2023a. Making the 3000m2 Prototype. STS Encounters, 15.

NEUBAUER, R. & WECHT, C. H. 2023. Contributions towards design as a methodology for material-reflective reconfiguration. In: GOLDSCHMIDT, G. & TARAZI, E. (Hrsg.) Expanding the Frontiers of Design: Critical Perspectives. Boca Raton, FL: Routledge.

PÖTSCHKE, U. 2023. Fernsehbeitrag: The Tolerance Poster Show. Zeit im Bild. Wien.

PÖTSCHKE, U. & BREUER, H. 2023. Ausstellung: The Tolerance Poster Show. The Tolerance Poster Show. Designforum Wien.

SCHWAIGER, C. 2023b. Projekt: Taktile Forschung. Sankt Pölten, New Design University und Allgemeine sonderpädagogische Schule St. Pölten Mitte (ASO).

SCHWAIGER, C. & DÜCHS, M. 2023. Symposium: Das O und A: Otl Aicher - aus dem Machen denken. Ein Blick zurück und nach vorne. Internationales Symposium. Das O und A: Otl Aicher - aus dem Machen denken. Ein Blick zurück und nach vorne. Internationales Symposium. Wien, designforum im Museumsquartier: New Design University und FSB.

SCHWAIGER, C. & JAS, M. 2023. Die Fabrikantenvilla als Haus der Kinder. NÖN Edition Spezial "Kindheit Gestern Heute Morgen", Spezial 2023.

Future Labs

ADUATZ, P. & DHMK, S. D. S. 2023. Future Lab: Greiner, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

ADUATZ, P., ENGELMAYER, L., FREYNHOFER, R., KOPF, R. & SACHYK, V. 2023a. Future Lab: BORA, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

ADUATZ, P., HALOUN, B., KOPF, R. & PICHLER, A. 2023b. Future Lab: Superstraw, Sankt Pölten / Wien, New Design University / BOKU.

ADUATZ, P., LANGTHALER, M., MEYER, N., SCHELLHAMMER, N., STRASSER, M. & VUKIC, V. 2023c. Future Lab: Burger-Gartenmöbel, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

ARCIOLI, O., ARTHABER, N., BAUER, L., EGLHOFER, C., HAUSER, V., HINKELMANN, N., R., K., LUGER, A., MEHL, K., PRASSÉ, F., REISNER, B. & WYSOUDIL, C. 2023a. Future Lab: CD Feller, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

WECHT, C. H., ROCEK, M., GALANOS, S., KLOIBER, L., SENFTER, A. & WAREKA, S. 2023. Future Lab: ElMö, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

SZURCSIK-NIMMERVOLL, F., BAUER, S., FUCHS, C., HALOUN, B., NEUMANN, S., PICHLER, A., STECKBAUER, L. & SZEMES, L. 2023. Future Lab: Industrie NÖ, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

SAMMER, F., ALISHAHI, Z., FALB, K., FUCHS, C., GÖLLER, J., HAIDER, T., KOPF, R., MEYER, N., MORAVEJI, M. & WINTERHALDER, L. 2023a. Future Lab: ÖGK Recycled Office, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

SAMMER, F., BRUHNS, C., GRÄF, V., KAUFMANN, A., KUHN, N., LJUBOJEVIC, A., SATALAN, M., STEINEDER, L., WEISSENBÖCK, F. & ZELISKA, S. 2023b. Future Lab: TUI, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

SAMMER, F. & MAIK, S. D. S. 2023. Future Lab: Knittelfeld - ReLearn, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

SAMMER, F., SCHWAIGER, C. & MAIK, S. D. S. 2023c. Future Lab: ÖGK Kundenservice, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

NEUBAUER, R., WECHT, C. H. & MXD, S. D. S. 2023b. Future Lab: Handwerk & Manufaktur im Waldviertel, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

NEUBAUER, R., WECHT, C. H. & MXD, S. D. S. 2023c. Future Lab: WWT Traismauer, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

AUFSCHNAITER, H., WEILGUNY, M., BECK-TIEFENBACH, H., EBNER, J., FEIGL, V., GLEISS, A., GÖLLER, J., MAYER, S., PICHLER, C., PRINSLOO, K. & SPITALER, S. 2023b. Future Lab: "Das Wolkenmeer" - Design + Build Workshop zum prämierten Entwurf des Future Lab "NDU meets KKL", Sankt Pölten, New Design University

AUFSCHNAITER, H., WEILGUNY, M., ALISHAHI, Z., BECK-TIEFENBACH, H., EBNER, J., FEIGL, V., GLEISS, A., GÖLLER, J., MAYER, S., PICHLER, C., PRINSLOO, K. & SPITALER, S. 2023a. Future Lab: NDU meets KKL - Entwurf eines temporären Infopoints im Co-Design, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.


SCHWAIGER, C. & STÜRTZLINGER, C. 2023. Ausstellung: Ausstellungsgestaltung und Rekonstruktion eines arabischen Zimmers. Wiener Weltausstellung 1873 Revisited - Ägypten und Japan als Europas "Orient". Wien, MAK Museum für angewandte Kunst: MAK.

WEILGUNY, M. & HARKESS, A. N. 2023. Räumliches Ausstellungskonzept: "House of Cards" Rauminstallation, Inhalt: HOME:WORK - Ausgewählte Semester Entwurfsprojekte. Höfefest 2023. START:Raum Löwinnenhof St. Pölten.

SCHWAIGER, C. 2023e. Workshop: Traumfarben. Träume von Räumen / Pop-up Ausstellung des KinderKunstLabors. Sankt Pölten, Wiener Straße 6–8.

SCHWAIGER, C. 2023a. Ausstellungsbeitrag: Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, Armlehnsessel für Gruppe und Krippe. Träume von Räumen - Pop-up Ausstellung des KinderKunstLabors. Sankt Pölten, Wiener Straße 6–8.

HARKESS, A. N., WEILGUNY, M. & BAIA, S. D. S. 2023. Future Lab: New Work - MTH Retailgroup, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

HEPP, P., EDLINGER, C., FUCHS, C., KHOTCHOLAVA, N., KRIHA, L., PRINZ, F., SACHYK, V., STECKBAUER, L. & SUOS, L. 2023. Future Lab: Stadtkapelle, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

ARCIOLI, O., DE FACCIO, G. & PÖTSCHKE, U. 2023b. Ausstellung: "Visuelle Resonanz" zum Thema Rhythmus. Vienna Design Week. Wien.

AUFSCHNAITER, H. & WEILGUNY, M. 2023. Ausstellung: Das Wolkenmeer - Ausstellungsbeitrag der Future Lab Projekte "NDU meets KKL" und "Das Wolkenmeer". Vienna Design Week. Wien.




ADUATZ, P., MOSGIELER, S., SELCUK-MAYER, B. & BERMADINGER, J. 2022. Aktuelle Initiativen und Projekte im Bereich Reuse, Recycling und Upcycling. MAT-DAYS 2022. Sankt Pölten.

BRAVI, E. 2022e. Vortrag: AG Info. Fachtagung für Forschung, Lehre und Transfer im Informationsdesign. Universität der Künste Berlin. Berlin.

BRAVI, E. 2022f. Vortrag: Analytical Design Principles. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. Laxenburg.

BRAVI, E. 2022g. Vortrag: Nach neuen Mustern. Conversation Piece, MAK Wien. Wien.

BRAVI, E. 2022h. Vortrag: The Water Cycle Project: visualising water balance. 2CO3 Communicating Complexity, Conference. Alghero, Italien.

CESINGER, B., LIENBACHER, E. & VALLASTER, C. 2022b. Digitalization and organizational resilience in small-scale retail. G-Forum. Dresden.

CESINGER, B., LIENBACHER, E. & VALLASTER, C. 2022c. The interplay of digitalization and organizational resilience in small-scale retail settings. Colloquium on Research on European Retailing 2022. Zagreb.

DITTENBERGER, S. & MORITSCH, H. S. 2022a. Research in Design Education: we took a ticket to ride. Symposiumsvortrag "Teaching Research in Design". Sankt Pölten.

DITTENBERGER, S. & MORITSCH, H. S. 2022b. Teaching Research in Design: Guidelines for Integrating Scientific Standards in Design Education. Buchpräsentation MAK. Wien.

KIENAST, H. 2022d. Vortrag: Grundlagen des Eventmanagements. Studiengang Medien und Eventmanagement. bbw Hochschule Berlin.

MORITSCH, H. S., HERZOG, C. & WIESER, P. 2022b. Open Nomadic University (Vortragsreihe). Synapsentanz 2022. Sankt Pölten: Sonnenpark.

NEUBAUER, R., BACHLMAIR, E. & BOHEMIA, E. 2022a. A Relational Approach to Teaching in the Educational Design Studio. In: ADIL, Z. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of Teaching Learning Research: A Focus on Pedagogy. AMPS - Architecuture, Media, Politcs, Society - Conference Proceedings Series.

NEUBAUER, R., BACHMAIR, E. & BOHEMIA, E. 2022b. A Relational Approach to Teaching in the Educational Design Studio. Teaching Learning Research: A Focus on Pedagogy. Online.

NEUBAUER, R., KUZMINA, K. & BACHLMAIR, E. 2022c. Prototyping Living Spaces: Design as a Sociomaterial Practice. DASTS Danish Association for Science and Technology Studies Conference. Aarhus, Dänemark.

NEUBAUER, R. & WECHT, C. 2022a. Curriculum by design: Design Thinking as a three-dimensional approach. In: GOLDSCHMIDT, G. & TARAZI, E. (Hrsg.) Proceedings of the DTRS Design Thinking Research Symposium 13. Haifa, Israel: DesignTech, Faculty of Architecture & Town Planning, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

SCHWAIGER, C. 2022. Josef Hoffmann als Gestalter und Design heute. Internationales Symposium Josef Hoffmann Fortschritt durch Schönheit. MAK Wien.

WECHT, C. H. 2022c. Vortrag: Innovations- und Kreativitätstechniken - Restrukturierung ein Stück weiter gedacht. Jahreskonferenz 2022, 11. Internationales Symposium Restrukturierung, „DIE ZUKUNFT IST JETZT“. FH Kufstein.

WECHT, C. H. 2022d. Vortrag: Innovationskultur als Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen. Innovationskongress KWP. Wien, Reaktor.

CESINGER, B., GUNDOLF, K., HUGHES, M., KHEDHAOURIA, A. & MONTANI, F. 2022a. The bright and dark sides of the Dark Triad traits among senior managers: effects on organizational commitment. Review of Managerial Science.

CESINGER, B., MÜLLER, J. & VALLASTER, C. 2022e. The Ebb and Flow of Identity: How Sustainable Entrepreneurs Deal with their Hybridity. European Management Journal, 40, 77-89.

DÜCHS, M. 2022c. Guter Wille reicht nicht. Drei Thesen zu Architektur, Moral und Ethik. Die Architekt, 2022, 14-19.

NEUBAUER, R. 2022. Materializing the Agency of Design in Innovation Practices. Design Issues, 38, 81–91.

CESINGER, B., LIENBACHER, E., VALLASTER, C. & NIEMAND, T. 2022d. Digitalisierung im kleinstrukturierten Einzelhandel: Ergebnisse und Handlungsfelder für eine digitale Zukunft. Empirische Ergebnisse zur Digitalisierung von KMU im österreichischen Einzelhandel Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

DITTENBERGER, S., MORITSCH, H. S. & PINTSUK-CHRISTOF, J. 2022a. Projektbericht: Dual Learning trough Design Research. Integration of design research into vocational education and training. Preliminary Research, Sankt Pölten.

DITTENBERGER, S., MORITSCH, H. S. & PINTSUK-CHRISTOF, J. 2022b. Projektbericht: Renegotiating Craft: Investigations into a new Relationship between Craft and Science. Preliminary Research, Sankt Pölten.

DITTENBERGER, S., MORITSCH, H. S. & RASCHAUER, A. 2022d. Teaching Research in Design (Tagungsband), Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

DITTENBERGER, S., MORITSCH, H. S. & RASCHAUER, A. 2022e. Teaching Research in Design: Guidelines for Integrating Scientific Standards in Design Education, Bielefeld, Transcript.

DITTENBERGER, S. & PINTSUK-CHRISTOF, J. 2022. Giving shape to wellbeing: a guideline for aesthetic design principles and practices, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

DÜCHS, M. 2022a. „Dem Geist die Existenzmöglichkeit bieten“ – Ludwig Mies van der Rohes Villa Tugendhat und ihr Menschenbild. In: ZICHY, M. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Menschenbilder. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

DÜCHS, M. 2022b. Die Hoffnung sich zu finden – Das anthropologische Selbsterkenntnispotential sakraler Räume. In: DAVID, P., ERNE, T., KRÜGER, M. & WABEL, T. (Hrsg.) Bauen - Wohnen - Glauben. Lebendige Architektur und religiöse Räume. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.

DÜCHS, M. & ILLIES, C. 2022. „Ich wollt‘, die Mutter käm‘ nach Haus“. Die narrative Struktur architektonischer Atmosphären und der sie begleitende Handlungsimpuls. In: DÜCHS, M., ILLIES, C., VOGT, S. & GRÜNER, A. (Hrsg.) Architektur - Atmosphäre - Wahrnehmung. Die römische Villa als Chance für das Bauen heute. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

DÜCHS, M., MEISEL, S. & WEICHLEIN, S. (Hrsg.) 2022c. Klassiker der Ethik. Studienbuch, Baden-Baden: Karl Alber.

KIENAST, H. 2022c. Entwicklung künstlerischer Forschung am Beispiel österreichischer Kunstuniversitäten, Linz, Kunstuniversität Linz.

MORITSCH, H. S., PINTSUK-CHRISTOF, J., FRANZ, R. & PIRKNER, G. 2022d. Peter Bruckner Preis 2022, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.


Future Labs

ADUATZ, P. & STUDIERENDE 2022a. Future Lab: WKNÖ Erfolg seit Generationen, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

ADUATZ, P. & STUDIERENDE 2022b. Future Lab: WKNÖ Exportpreis, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

ARCIOLI, O. & PÖTSCHKE, U. 2022. Future Lab: 95 Jahre designaustria, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

AUFSCHNAITER, H. & WEILGUNY, M. 2022. Future Lab: WKNÖ Landing Zone, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

BOSKIC, R. & CESINGER, B. 2022. Future Lab: Betacampus 2022, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

HARKESS, A. N., AUFSCHNAITER, H., EICHHORN, B. & BREUSS, A. 2022a. Future Lab: Laufen x NDU, Wilhelmsburg, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

HARKESS, A. N., KÜNG FÜRLINGER, M. & SPATH, D. 2022b. Future Lab: Bildungs- und Prüfungszentrum, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

KASACEK, E. & PRASSER, C. 2022. Future Lab: Seevilla, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

SCHWAIGER, C., RAPP-WIMBERGER, N. & MICKAL, H. 2022c. Future Lab: Museum Traiskirchen, Traiskirchen, Sankt Pölten, New Design University.

WECHT, C. H. 2022a. Future Lab: Customer Journey für MAG Menschen und Arbeit, Sankt Pölten, New Design University


BRAVI, E. 2022a. Ausstellung: Grafik KM 60. Wanderausstellung 100 BESTE PLAKATE 21. Deutschland Österreich Schweiz. MAK Wien: Kooperation des MAK und des Vereins 100 Beste Plakate e. V.

MORITSCH, H. S., HERZOG, C., LERPERGER, M. & KAISER, K. 2022a. Ausstellung: Aufruf zur digitalen Selbstverteidigung.Beiträge: Waage der Verantwortung (Kranewitter), Unerwünschte Nähe (Baumgartner), Leuchtkraft (Lerperger), App-Baukasten (Kaiser). DigiDic: Aufruf zur digitalen Selbstverteidigung. Stadtmuseum St. Pölten.

SCHWAIGER, C. & H., T. 2022. Wider die Macht. Die Kunstsammlung des DÖW. Ausstellung: Haus für Geschichte, Museum Niederösterreich. Sankt Pölten.

SCHWAIGER, C. & TRAPP, H. 2022. David Hockney Insights: Reflecting the Tate Collection. Ausstellung: Kunstforum Wien. Wien

VOLF, L. & KIENAST, H. 2022. Ausstellung: Shevents – Ein Blick hinter die Bühnen. Eventlocation MAHO 2, Wien.


BRAVI, E. 2022c. Preis: KM 60. Auszeichnung 100 BESTE PLAKATE. 100 Beste Plakate 21. Deutschland Österreich Schweiz. MAK Wien.


Veröffentlichungen 2019 - 2021

Beate Cesinger, Christine Vallaster, Julian M. Müller (2021). The ebb and flow of identity: How sustainable entrepreneurs deal with their hybridity“. European Management Journal: The ebb and flow of identity: How sustainable entrepreneurs deal with their hybridity - ScienceDirect


Elisabeth Korshunova, Victor Tiberius, Beate Cesinger, Ricarda B. Bouncken.

Potential pitfalls of startup integrations: an exploratory study.

Forthcoming in Journal of Business Venturing Insights

Abstract: This paper aims to confirm pitfalls relevant in the integration stage of startup acquisitions mentioned in the literature and to identify new ones. To accomplish this, we conducted a literature review and a multiple case study with semi-structured, qualitative expert interviews. The results indicate the integration of an acquired startup may be challenged by potential pitfalls relating to acquirers or startups or a lack of their concordance. Unfavorable integration process attributes can also harm the integration success. We identified a lack of national-cultural fit and low performance of the integration team as additional potential pitfalls.


Florian Güldenpfennig, Peter Fikar & Roman Ganhör. 2020. Teaching Digital Fabrication to Early Intervention Specialists for Designing Their Own Tools. In Proceedings ASSETS '20: The 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, ACM.
We taught basic principles of digital fabrication to four early intervention therapists that were specialized in the training of children with cerebral visual impairment and related disabilities. Here, our intention was threefold. First, we wanted to engage in digital fabrication together with the therapists to ‘kick-off’ a co-design project and get to know them; the project was about creating therapeutic toys, and we hadn't met our participants or co-designers before. Second, we wanted to give them an impression of the tools we use and the sorts of designs that we are capable of producing in the course of such a one-year design project. Third, we aimed at generating a first set of design ideas. In this paper, we show in which ways teaching digital fabrication enabled us to accomplish these goals. Interestingly, we did not anticipate one of our most interesting findings. - As it turned out, the therapists continued creating their own designs after the project was completed, drawing on their newly developed digital fabrication skills. Hence, as a fourth outcome, we ‘accidently’ empowered the participants to address their problems independently.

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Roman Ganhör, Florian Güldenpfennig und Peter Fikar. (2020). Interactive Play and Modern Media Tools. Workshop Beitrag für ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences.

Kathrina Dankl, Elisabeth Stögmann, Theresa König, Stefan Moritsch, Sten Hanke. Multidimensional Design Research for Dementia and Its Methodological Opportunities for Cross-Disciplinary Consortia.
Dementia is one of the most common causes of disability among older adults. The design of supportive IT applications requires an understanding of the multitude of individual challenges faced by people living with dementia, as well as the knowledge of the condition per se. A scaffolding design process and the inclusion of appropriate experts might be the key. Our research for a supportive IT application for the early stages of dementia has shown a set of issues that should be taken into consideration; stakeholders’ own strategies for remembering, technological literacy levels, particular opportunities to support information, orientation and organization of users’ every day and a careful and realistic choice for design methods taking the possibilities of cross-disciplinary as well as international consortiums into account. The main contribution of this paper is a set of methodological recommendations, encapsulated by the following four themes: coherence, ownership, experiential knowledge and generative tools.
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Beate Cesinger, Philipp Grau, Fabian Horn, Martin Huber, Elisabeth Korshunova, Stefan Mayerhofer, Nathalie Rau, Tim Vennen.
ISPIM 2020. Time is a gift: a university project and much more
Time is a gift is a university project that we successfully completed during the winter term 2019/2020 at New Design University, St. Pölten Austria in collaboration with Architect Martin Huber, Vienna Austria. The project involved seven Master students in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. In a kick-off meeting on October 3rd, 2019, the students got the following challenge: Under the very generic topic "the sense or nonsense of Christmas", the students had to sell delicacy packages (from November 18th - December 22nd, 2019), and then donate their profit to a children's hospice. Aside from these three basic requirements, they further had to decide for a final product range from a set of products (for which the teaching professors had already negotiated favorable conditions with the manufacturers), set the selling price, create a brand, set-up a business, combine digital and stationary channels in their marketing approach. They for example were obliged to stage a store window in Vienna and apply a variety of digital means. Accordingly, our project focused on primarily two issues: teach and experience essentials of entrepreneurship and design thinking methods as well as the connection of stationary and digital marketing and retail in a real life project. Our university project offers a new and inspiring albeit meaningful teaching and learning experience from which not only educators can benefit. The project outcome was uncertain from the beginning for both students and professors. Accordingly, we set this specific frame and students learned how to catch the window of opportunity. Applying a variety of research methods (e.g., netnography), their creativity, evaluating opportunities and marketing their final product, students could further learn a range of real business issues and how to merge digital and analogue retail experiences. Further, they gained deep insights on the pros and cons of agile working methods.

Ricarda Bouncken, Mathew Hughes, Martin Ratzmann, Beate Cesinger, Robin Pesch. Family Firms, Alliance Governance, and Mutual Knowledge Creation. Accepted for publication in British Journal of Management. 
For family firms, alliances represent a form of heightened entrepreneurial risk-taking. However, a dearth of research exists on the implications of forms of alliance governance for family firms. In a study of 939 non-equity alliances of family and non-family firms, we analyse how contracts and trust influence mutual knowledge creation. Both contract completeness and trust assist non-family firms in knowledge creation. However, family firms rely on high levels of trust for the creation of knowledge. Knowledge creation suffers when family firms encounter very complete contracts tied to attempts at high levels of trust. The negative interaction effect is especially strong for non-owner-run family firms.
Keywords: Family firms, alliances, contracts, trust, mutual knowledge creation, alliance governance, family business, owner

Florian Güldenpfennig, Armin Wagner, Peter Fikar, Georg Kaindl, and Roman Ganhör. (2019). Enabling Learning Experiences for Visually Impaired Children by Interaction Design. In Haptic Interfaces for Accessibility, Health, and Enhanced Quality of Life. Troy McDaniel, Sethuraman Panchanathan (Editors). Springer.
Interaction design and tangible computing offer rich opportunities for supporting children with impairments by means of enhanced therapeutic toys and educational materials. In order to explore how technology can be utilized to meet special requirements in the education of visually impaired children (and teenagers), we set up a practice-based research project at a special health center and school for the blind. Drawing on a number of design experiments involving educators and affected children, we came up with design proposals that enabled instructive (sensory) experiences despite their impairments in the sensory system. We describe two interactive prototypes in detail – a tangible color-picker toy, that we named The Cuebe, and an Audio-Tactile Map designed for e-learning – and show how they can support children in building new skills by augmenting physical properties and affordances. In both prototypes, tactility, haptics, and interactivity were crucial features, since all experiences originated at the fingertips and then unfolded higher-level sensory and cognitive processes. Moreover, the prototypes were also characterized by a high degree of open-endedness and customizability in their design, allowing educators to incorporate them in flexible ways to meet the needs of the children.
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Stasny, Peter (2019): Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack als Pädagoge. In: Kremeier, Ulrike und Röthke, Ulrich (Hrsg.). Das Bauhaus in Brandenburg. Industriedesign und Handwerk im Zeichen der Moderne. Cottbus: Brandenburgisches Museum für moderne Kunst, S. 109-120.

Stasny, Peter (2019): Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack the Educator. In: Kremeier, Ulrike und Röthke, Ulrich (edts.). Bauhaus in Brandenburg. Modernism and Industrial Design and the Crafts. Cottbus: Brandenburgisches Museum für moderne Kunst, pp. 32-38.

Güldenpfennig, F., Mayer, P., Panek, P., & Fitzpatrick, G. (2019). An Autonomy-Perspective on the Design of Assistive Technology: Experiences of People with Multiple Sclerosis. Paper präsentiert im Rahmen von der Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM CHI’19.
In HCI and Assistive Technology design, autonomy is regularly equated with independence. This is a shortcut and leaves out design opportunities by omitting a more nuanced idea of autonomy. To improve our understanding of how people with severe physical disabilities experience autonomy, particularly in the context of Assistive Technologies, we engaged in in-depth fieldwork with 15 people with Multiple Sclerosis who were used to assistive devices. We constructed a grounded theory from a series of interviews, focus groups and observations, pointing to strategies in which participants sought autonomy either in the short-term (managing their daily energy reserve) or in the long-term (making future plans). The theory shows how factors like enabling technologies, capital (human, social, psychological resources), and compatibility with daily practices facilitated a sense of being in control for our participants. Moreover, we show how over-ambitious or bad design (e.g., paternalism) can lead to opposite results and restrict autonomy.

Güldenpfennig, F., Dudo, D., & Purgathofer, P. (2019). The 'Magic Paradigm' for Programming Smart Connected Devices. Paper präsentiert im Rahmen von der Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ACM CHI’19.
We are surrounded by an increasing number of smart and networked devices. Today much of this technology is enjoyed by gadget enthusiasts and early adaptors, but in the foreseeable future many people will become dependent on smart devices and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, desired or not. To support people with various levels of computer skills in mastering smart appliances as found, e.g., in smart homes, we propose the 'magic paradigm' for programming networked devices. Our work can be regarded as a playful 'experiment' towards democratizing IoT technology. It explores how we can program interactive behavior by simple pointing gestures using a tangible 'magic wand'. While the 'magic paradigm' removes barriers in programming by waiving conventional coding, it simultaneously raises questions about complexity: what kind of tasks can be addressed by this kind of 'tangible programming', and can people handle it as tasks become complex? We report the design rationale of a prototypical instantiation of the 'magic paradigm' including preliminary findings of a first user trial.
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Urbanek, M., & Güldenpfennig, F. (2019). Celebrating 20 Years of Computer-based Audio Gaming. Paper präsentiert im Rahmen von Audio Mostly 2019, ACM.
We look back on two decades of academic research on audio games. During this time, a substantial amount of research has explored many facets of this special genre of computer games. However, despite many publications, there is a lack of review papers, which help delineate this growing research eld. For this reason, we take one step back and investigate 20 years of audio game research by synthesizing a literature review adopting grounded theory methods. The resulting research map provides an overview of eorts into audio games with a special focus on how to design for audio games. We observed three important trends or tensions in audio game research. Firstly, audio games research depended heavily on technological advancements during the last two decades. Secondly, most studies about audio games were conducted with novices to audio games in lab situations, that is, based on articial situations and not on real gamers and their genuine experience. Thirdly, the audio game design process per se has been greatly neglected in the literature so far. We conclude the paper by discussing design or research implications.

Urbanek, M., Habiger, M., & Güldenpfennig, F. (2019). Creating Audio Games Online with a Browser-Based Editor. Paper präsentiert im Rahmen von Audio Mostly 2019, ACM.
Play has been identified as a fundamental human desire (see, e.g., Huizinga's seminal work on ''Homo Ludens''). To little surprise then, people have also used sound in play and to create games. Since the advent of the personal computer, the genre of audio games invites sighted and visually impaired people alike to play interactive computer games solely based on sound renderings. While audio games are popular, especially among blind people, there is a lack of development tools to support audio game design and to foster further growth of this genre. For this reason, we demonstrate a browser-based audio game editor that we have developed over the last year or so, drawing on the experience and needs of seven long-term audio gamers. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first application or tool of its kind. Its key features are easy usage (including instant game play and sound rendering) and open source development to increase sustainability and possible impact.

Urbanek, M., & Güldenpfennig, F. (2019). Unpacking the Audio Game Experience: Lessons Learned from Game Veterans. Paper präsentiert im Rahmen von Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY'19), ACM.
People with or without visual impairments play and enjoy audio games. While this genre of computer games has attracted a strong fan base and some attention in HCI, little research has been dedicated to the people who actually play audio games in their daily life. There is a pressing need to capture the viewpoints of authentic or expert players, designers and developers to advance audio game design. Thus, we give voice to seven game veterans of sound-based gaming, i.e., people who each have more than a decade of profound experience in playing or designing audio games. We conducted a total of 14 interviews and employed grounded theory methods to unpack their experiences. We found that audio games enriched their life through creativity, play, and social exchange. Those core concepts were influenced by peripheral concepts like, inter alia, aesthetics & enjoyability, accessibility, or the availability of audio games. We show how they relate to each other and discuss design implications.

Urbanek, M., Habiger, M., & Güldenpfennig, F. (2019). Drag 'n' Hear: Creating, Playing, and Understanding Audio Games Online. Paper präsentiert im Rahmen von Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY'19), ACM.
Since the last couple of years, we have been aiming to advance our understanding of the audio games design process. As audio games are computer games that rely on sound only, they demand or invite the players to 'build the game world in their mind'. Hence, compared to video games, missing visual information is filled in and created by mental imaginary. This makes the genre exciting and simultaneously open to both players with or without visual impairments. In terms of game design, audio games, however, bring additional challenges to the process. How does a designer sketch games that he or she cannot see? To explore such issues, we created an open-sourced online audio game editor that can function as a sketchbook for audio games. By studying how people use the editor to create audio games, we hope to better understand audio game design and foster the growth of this interesting game genre.

Mayer, P., Güldenpfennig, F., & Panek, P. 2019. Towards Smart Adaptive Care Toilets. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 260, p.9-16. IOS Press.
Standard toilets in Western countries often do not meet the needs of elderly and disabled people with physical limitations. While the existing concept of barrier-free toilets and the emerging "changing places" concept offer more space and support, the fixed height of the toilet seat still imposes a major problem during all phases of toilet use and can limit the users' autonomy by requiring personal assistance. Thus, in the EU project iToilet an innovative ICT-based modular height adjustable toilet system was designed to support the autonomy, dignity and safety of older people living at home by digital technology enhancements adapting the toilet to their needs and preferences. The main requirements were: double foldable handrails, height and tilt adjustment, emergency detection and call, and ease of use. The ICT component in this approach serves a double purpose of enhancing usability of the base assistive technology while at the same time providing safety for independent use. A field test of a prototype system in real environments of a day care center and a rehabilitation clinic has been successfully finished. The application of the iToilet concept also in semi-public settings is currently studied in the Toilet4me project.

Fikar, P., Güldenpfennig, F., & Ganhör, R. (2019). Reflections on Mobility in the Design of Therapeutic Toys. Workshop Beitrag für Communities & Technologies (C&T'19), Vienna, Austria.
Designing technology for developmental support of children with impairments is a complex endeavor dealing with challenges ranging from medical diagnoses, to therapeutic exercises, to psychological factors of play. Mobility poses a determining variable in design solutions impacting how sustainable they are performing in daily practice. Mobility challenges pervade therapeutic efforts in a vast variety of ways and manifest throughout different layers of intervention. Logistical needs of the therapists are as important as the bodily interaction needs of the children. In this work, we add to the discussion of mobility related design issues, comparing two design proposals which resulted from a project concerned with (co-)designing digital toys for developmental intervention for children with Cerebral Visual Impairment.

Urbanek, M.Güldenpfennig, F., & Habiger, M. (2019). A Toolkit for creating Audio Games: Balancing Ease of Use and Power of Features. Workshop Beitrag für Communities & Technologies (C&T'19), Vienna, Austria.

Güldenpfennig, F. (2019). Creating Accessible Computers with Infobricks. Workshop Beitrag für Communities & Technologies (C&T'19), Vienna, Austria.

Güldenpfennig, F., Fikar, P., & Ganhör, R. (2019). A Tangible Color-Picker Toy Designed for Young Children: Balancing Physical Properties and Play Elements Through Design. Workshop Beitrag für CHI'19, Glasgow, Scotland.
We present a tangible color-picker toy, designed for children aged approximately up to six years. Since the purpose of this interactive toy is to support visually impaired children during therapeutic exercises, we employed a practice-based design process for balancing its physical properties and play elements. Appropriate stimuli (both visual and haptical), play affordances, interactive behavior, and additional device properties (e.g., product safety) were explored together with therapists and children drawing on a series of (interactive) prototypes. Hence, the artifact embodies shared knowledge about how exercising can be supported with therapeutic toys from the perspective of children, therapists, and interaction design researchers. In practice, the toy amplifies color by means of LEDs to provide strong and active visual stimuli when pushed against a colored surface. Its physical design is minimalistic, allowing young children to safely grip it and therapists to flexibly integrate it into exercises, made-up stories or motivating games for therapy (demo video showing latest prototype versions; accessed 12 Feb 2019).
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Christoph Klemmt, Igor Pantic, Andrei Gheorghe, Adam Sebestyen, "Discretized Fabrication of Geometries Generated With Cellular Growth Simulations". Conference Paper at ACADIA 2019: October 24 - 26, 2019, The University of Texas at Austin.  
Discrete computational growth simulations, such as Cellular Automata of Diffusion Limited Aggregation, appear to often be difficult to use for architectural design as their geometric outcomes tend to be difficult to control. On the contrary, free-form growth simulations such as Differential Growth or cell-based growth algorithms produce highly complex geometries that are difficult to construct at a larger scale. We therefore propose a methodology of discretized free-form Cellular Growth algorithms in order to utilize the emerging qualities of growth simulations for a feasible architectural design. The methodology has been tested within the framework of a workshop and resulted in the efficient construction of a large physical prototype.
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Dankl K., Moritsch S., Pernkopf F., Stögmann E., König T., Hanke S. (2019) Memento for Living, Working and Caring: An ‘Archetypal Object’ for Being with Dementia. In: Brankaert R., IJsselsteijn W. (eds) Dementia Lab 2019. Making Design Work: Engaging with Dementia in Context. D-Lab 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1117. Springer, Cham. 
Zur Dementia Lab Conference

Stasny, Peter, "Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack (1893-1965) and the Bauhaus in Australia". Bauhaus Transfers. International Symposium, 19-21 Sep 2019, The Pennsylvania State University.
Programm & Abstract

Bouncken, R., Cesinger, B. und Tiberius, V., "Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy of Top Managers – Can Entrepreneurial Orientation Secure Performance?" International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, forthcoming.
The Dark Triad (DT) – psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism conceptualises three undesirable personality traits. Individuals with elevated levels of the DT show selfish behaviour, emotional coldness, propensity for duplicity, and strive for self-promotion, status, and dominance. Managers, the firm’s upper echelons, decide about new market and technological opportunities for the growth of the firm. Research on Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) – innovativeness, proactiveness and risktaking – shows that proactive, self-reflecting, and self-regulating managers can improve firm performance of several dimensions. Managers who score high on the DT might show behaviour that is detrimental for the organisation and firm performance. Our empirical study finds that all three dimensions of the DT, psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism reduce the positive effects that EO has on firm performance.

Bouncken, R., Cesinger, B. und Pampel J., "Family Firms' Digital Transformation: Insights From a Qualitative Study." Paper accepted for presentation at INFORMS 2019 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, October 20-23, 2019.

Fargel, W., Cesinger B. und Wecht, C. "Manifestations of Innovation Cultures in Selected Austrian Mechanical Engineering Companies", ISPIM 2019, 16. – 19. Juni 2019, Florenz, Italien. Präsentation (PDF)

Fargel, W., Cesinger, B. und Wecht, C., "Manifestations of Innovation Cultures in Selected Austrian Mechanical Engineering Companies." In: Bitran. I. et al. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the XXX ISPIM INNOVATION CONFERENCE - Celebrating Innovation - 500 Years Since Da Vinci. Tutkimusraportit – Research Reports Vol. 93, 2019.

Dittenberger, Sandra, "Actively Reflective: Understanding the Drivers and Hurdles of Building Knowledge Bridges Between Theory and Practice in Design Education." In: Häkkilä, J., Pakanen, M., Luiro, E., Mikkonen, E. & Miettinen, S. [Hrsg.] Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series 5/2019: Around the Campfire – Resilience and Intelligence. Rovaniemi: Cumulus: International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, 2019.

Gronegger, T., Olarescu, A. M., Cionca, M., Biborka, B. & Nechita, F., Thinking About Rural And Local Spirit. Seven Years of Crafts Based Research on Site. St. Pölten, New Design University, 2019.
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Daniel Moser, Christoph H. Wecht, Oliver Gassman, "Digitale Plattformen als Geschäftsmodell". In: ERP Management 15, 2019:1 
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Maximilian Böger, Christoph H. Wecht, Céline Stalder, "Hybrid Business Platforms – Marketplaces of the Future". In: Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2019:2
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Palmer C., Cesinger B., Géraudel M., Gundolf K., Jaouen A., "Innovative Work Behaviours of Entrepreneurs: The Role of Resilience and Satisfaction with Life”. Vortrag auf der Konferenz EAWOP 2019, 29.05. - 01.06. 2019, Turin, Italien.

Ambos T. C. , Cesinger B., Eggers F., Kraus S., "How Does De‐Globalization Affect Location Decisions? A Study of Managerial Perceptions of Risk and Return." In: Global Strategy Journal, January 2019.
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Kodera, Sergius, "Sexualisierte Herrschaftskörper. Die Fabel von Esel und Löwe in Giordano Brunos Candelaio (1582 ) als obszöne Allegorese des Kampfes um Vorherrschaft zwischen spanischer und französischer Krone in Italien." In: Macht der Natur - gemachte Natur. Realitäten und Fiktionen des Herrscherkörpers zwischen Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Pp. 279-300. Hrsg. Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio, Beate Kellner, Ulrich Pfisterer. Florenz: sismel, 2019. (Micrologus Library, Vol. 92)

Kodera, Sergius, "Turning Coins Into Cheap Thrills: Geldbilder in Pink Floyds ‘Money’. "In: Bild. Medium. Geld. Bildkulturen und Medienreflexionen des Monetären. Pp. 211-222. Hrsg. Judith Ellenbürger, Felix T. Gregor. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2019. (Inter/Media Volume: 6)

Bouncken, R. und Cesinger, B. (2019): The Interplay of the Dark Triad of Managers, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Firm Performance, Vortrag auf der Konferenz: Western Academy of Management, 4.-9. März 2019, Rohnert Park, USA.

Ambos, T., Cesinger, B., Eggers, F., Kraus, S., (2019): How Does De-Globalization Affect Location Decisions? A Study of Managerial Perceptions of Risk and Return. Global Strategy Journal.
Our understanding of how managers take international location decisions is still scarce. Building on the microfoundations view, we explore managers’ perceptions of risk and return in a discrete choice experiment with 2,618 decisions in 2013 (a globalizing world) and 2017 (a de-globalizing world). While managerial perceptions vary over time due to economic and political changes, such as the current de-globalization trend, decision heuristics remain remarkably stable: locations perceived as least risky offer the highest expected returns. We also find that distance is a good proxy for managerial perceptions. Investigating the microfoundations of decision-making we show that international experience, risk-taking propensity and shareholder status affect heuristics. In sum, our study provides novel insights into the microfoundations of location decisions and extends the behavioral perspective on internationalization.

Veröffentlichungen 2018

Sammer, F., Kienast, H., Rumler, Y. F.-X., et al., "Medienraum M10: Gestaltung des Medienraums für die WKNÖ." St. Pölten: WKNÖ, New Design University, 2018.

Moritsch, H. S., "Entwurf der Festspielbrille für Forster United Optics". St. Pölten: New Design University, Forster United Optics, 2018.

Moritsch, H. S., Szurcsik, F., Lerbscher, F., Burtscher, L. & Schober, D. "Diversitas Preis: Entwurf für die Diversitasgala." St. Pölten: BMWF, New Design University, 2018.

Hoke, A. M., Ledwinka, I., Meixner, K. & Blocher, A. K. "Gestaltung des Abfallwirtschaftspreises." St. Pölten: WKNÖ, New Design University, 2018.

Hoke, A. M.,. & Studierende des Studiengangs Design, Handwerk & materielle Kultur, "Entwürfe für Bushaltestellen in der Gemeinde Zeillern." St. Pölten: New Design University, Gemeinde Zeillern, 2018.

Kodera, Sergius, "Zwischen Astrologie, Medizin, Rhetorik und Politik: Die Rolle des Kairos in der frühneuzeitlichen gelehrten Magie". Vortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung "Magie in der Literatur des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit". FU Berlin, 30. November 2018.

Bravi, Enrico, "Cities by Numbers. Rediscovering the Winklers Orientation System: A Field Study." Vortrag auf der Konferenz CITY: a joint UAM / IIID Conference, Mexico, 29-31 October 2018.
Discreet, useful and indeed indispensable, in small as well as in large cities: house numbers and street signs help us orientate and access the place we live in or just pass through. Without them, not even digital technologies would be able to guide us. It has not always been like this. It is in fact peculiar that the numerical system, that we take for granted, has only been en vogue a little over 200 years and was introduced for different reasons we would think of today. Cities like Vienna, Prague, Venice or Milan, which were all part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire when the house numbering system was introduced, show their common heritage, while maintaining clear differences. The colour scheme, the form and typeface that guide us silently through the meanders of daily life are an integral part of a city’s identity and perhaps even of its inhabitants. As cities keep changing, the systems we use to structure and order them need to be constantly updated, sometimes even drastically modified. Which of these signs are still visible and relevant to understand the places we inhabit and their history? With my presentation I intend to offer an overview of the diversity in civic addressing systems and their development throughout recent history, with a focus on the city I live in, Vienna.

Bouncken, R., Nagel, E., Pesch, R., Cesinger, B. (2018): Forces and obstacles of family firm’s digital transformation: Insights from a qualitative study. Vortrag auf der Konferenz: 32nd ANZAM Conference, Auckland, New Zealand 4-7 December 2018

Mulasalihovic, E., Spreitz, F., Zeilinger, F. (2018): Dezentrale Stromversorgung unter der Berücksichtigung von netzunabhängigen Photovoltaikanlagen. Research Paper. New Design University St. Pölten und Technische Universität Wien.
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Stasny, P. (2018): Kurt Hüpfner - Zeichnung Plastik Malerei. Annäherungen an ein unbekanntes Werk. Salzburg: Müry Salzmann Verlag.
Verlagstext zur Publikation:
"Kurt Hüpfner, geboren 1930 in Wien, ist ein Außenseiter des Kunstbetriebs. Nach Anfängen als Gebrauchsgraphiker hat er seit Anfang der 1960er Jahre, weitgehend unbemerkt von der Öffentlichkeit, in seiner Heimatstadt ein Œuvre geschaffen, das Zeichnung, Plastik und Malerei umfasst, miteinander verknüpft, und beides zugleich ist: eigenwillig und doch ein Reflex auf zentrale Positionen der Kunstgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts wie Surrealismus und Pop-Art. 
Seit 2006 waren Hüpfners Werke mehrfach in Gruppen- und Einzelausstellungen zu sehen. Sie zeugen von einem skeptisch-ironischen Zugang zur Wirklichkeit, huldigen oftmals schwarzem Humor und entspringen einer grundsätzlich pessimistischen Lebenseinstellung und der Überzeugung, einer unheilvollen Vorsehung ausgeliefert zu sein. 
Die Werkmonographie des Wiener Kunsthistorikers Peter Stasny ist die erste Publikation über Kurt Hüpfner. Sie enthält einen einführenden Essay, die Bestandsaufnahme und photographische Dokumentation des Werks sowie einen autobiographischen Versuch des Künstlers." (Müry Salzmann Verlag)

Kodera, S. (2018): "Polarexpedition mit 'Der Elektrischen.' Populäre Memoriakultur in Attraktionen des Wiener Praters von 1900 bis in die Gegenwart", Vortrag auf der Konferenz: Mediated Pasts – Popular Pleasures: Medien und Praktiken populärkulturellen Erinnerns.  Institut für Europäische Ethnologie an der Humboldt-Universität  Berlin, 4.- 6. Oktober

Kodera, S. (2018): "Giordano Bruno – ein Süditaliener im London Shakespeares", Vortrag auf der Konferenz: Die Stadt und die Anderen Wahrnehmung und Erfahrung von Fremdheit in Selbstzeugnissen und Chroniken des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Universität Bonn 24.–25. September

Kodera, S. (2018): "Renaissancehieroglyphik im Werk von Giovan Battista Della Porta (1535-1615)", Vortrag auf der Konferenz: Ägypten übersetzen: Fremde Schriftsysteme als Imaginationsräume der Frühen Neuzeit, Wolfenbüttel Herzog-August-Bibliothek, 10.-12. September

Kodera, S. (2018): “Topographies of Desire in Giordano Bruno's Candelaio (1582)” Vortrag auf der Konferenz:  Giordano Bruno: Will, Power, And Being, at University of Halle-Wittenberg (Mai 2018)

Cesinger, B. & Primus, M. [2018]: The Method of Choice in the Inspiration Phase of Design Thinking as a Base for Universal Design. In: 21st DMI: Academic Design Management Conference London, UK, 1-2 August, 2018

Dittenberger, S., Koscher, A., Stainer-Hochgatterer, A. [2018]: Action speaks louder than words: development of a tangible Persona-Scene as supportive project management tool. In: 21st DMI: Academic Design Management Conference London, UK, 1-2 August, 2018

Kodera, S. [2018]: Staunenswerte Experimente. Die einheitlichen Gesetze von Akustik, Optik und Magnetismus in Athanasius Kirchers Phonurgia nova (1673),  In: "Avec discrétion" Rethinking Frohberger ed. by Andreas Vejvar,  Markus Grassl 53-73. Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau

Géraudel, M.l; Gundolf, K.; Cesinger, B. & Constantinidis, C. (forthcoming): Access to Medical Technologies: Do Gender and Social Capital Matter? Management International.
We explore the relationship between the characteristics of social capital, the speed of access to medical technologies and the role of gender in a private practice context. Our findings from a sample of 98 German private practitioners show that: (a) being a woman has an overall negative impact on the speed of access to medical technologies; (b) private practitioners with strong social network ties obtain quicker access to medical technologies than do those with weak ties; (c) men relying on their weak ties perform better than women who do so. In contrast, we observe that women relying on strong ties outperform their male counterparts in terms of speed of access to medical technologies.

Koscher, A. & Dittenberger, S. (2018): Setting the Scene: A New Approach for visualizing and establishing 3-dimensional Personas as Management Tool. In: Proceedings of the International Design Conference – Design 2018. 21.-24.05.17, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Experiences drawn from former projects indicate a gap concerning the creation and the perpetual use of Personas throughout a project development process. This gap builds the focus of this paper. In order to develop a new approach to create a possibility for all team members to actively get involved in the Persona creation and further evolvement over the project duration, this paper offers a new option for using Personas dynamically for communication and visualization of product development stages.

Dittenberger, S. (2018): Putting Theory to Practice: Reflections on the Integration of Product Design Aspects in AAL Projects. In: Proceedings of the International Design Conference – Design 2018. 21.-24.05.17, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
This paper discusses the question of the awareness and representation of product design aspects in the user-centred design's ISO process model applied in research projects in the realm of the Active and Assisted Living (AAL) Programme. Experience has shown that product design aspects are to date not as well integrated and applied in projects' everyday working practice as the realms usability engineering, user experience design and user interface design already are. This paper proposes refinements for the applied process as a basis for further elaborations. 

Aduatz, P. & Sporn, D. Projektbericht »Smart Materials und Produkt-Design in der akademischen Ausbildung.« New Design University St. Pölten in Kooperation mit Fraunhofer Institut Würzburg, Center Smart Materials, 2018. PDF-Datei (1 MB)

Veröffentlichungen 2017

Pötschke, U., Bendekovics, S., Bernhart, J., et al., "Design von T-Shirts und Druckmaterialien für das Literaturhaus Wien." St. Pölten: Literaturhaus Wien, Internationale Erich Fried Gesellschaft, New Design University, 2017.

Harkess, A. N., Songür, S., Fehringer, M. "Gestaltung des Eingangsbereichs für GESA, Haus des Lernens." St. Pölten: New Design University, GESA Haus des Lernens, 2017.

Moritsch, H. S. (Hrsg.) Craft-based Design - On Practical Knowledge and Manual Creativity / Von Handwerkern und Gestaltern. Salenstein: Niggli, 2017.

Gronegger, T. [2017]: "Dörfliches und Ländliches. Qualitäten des Einfachen. In: Denkmalpflege in Niederösterreich." Band 57, S. 12-17. Hrsg. und Verleger: Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung.

Kodera, S. (2017):  "From Piazza Mercato to Ponte Ricciardo, and on to Via Toledo: Giovan Battista Della Porta’s Translations of Hands and Feet of Executed Criminals Across Early Modern Naples." In: Open Arts Journal, Issue 6, Winter 2017/18: pp. 21-37 Freier Internet-Zugang:

Kodera, S. (2017): Schafsköpfige Medizin und teuflisch gute Malerei in Giovanni Boccaccios Decameron (VIII, 9) In: M. Busch, S. Kroll, M. A. Maksymiak (Hrsg.) Hippokratische Grenzgänge- Ausflüge in die Kultur und mediengeschichtliche Wissensfelder. Festschrift für Hans-Uwe Lammel zum 65. Geburtstag, 159-182. Hamburg: Kovac Verlag.

Hughes, M., Cesinger, B., Cheng, C.-F., Schüssler, F. & Kraus, S. (2017): A Configurational Analysis of Network and Knowledge Variables Explaining Born Globals’ and Late Internationalizing SMEs’ International Performance. Industrial Marketing Management. Special issue on Start-Ups and Business Networks.

Kodera, S. (2017). Ficinos Theorie der Augenstrahlen bei Agrippa von Nettesheim, Castiglione, della Porta und Bruno. In: Eming, J. & Dallapiazza, M. (Hrsg.) Marsilio Ficino in Deutschland und Italien. Renaissance-Magie zwischen Wissenschaft und Literatur. 101-130. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.

Kodera, S. (2017). Zwischen Natura maga und dämonischem Behältnis. Genderkonfigurationen in der italienischen Renaissancephilosophie. In: Saß, M. & Wenderholm, I. (Hrsg.) Mutter Erde: Vorstellungen von Natur und Weiblichkeit in der frühen Neuzeit. 21-28. Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag.

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